
Korolit Social Media Analytics – June 2015

On Fridays we often share an update from our on-line analytics. This one is a bit larger than usual to reflect the work being progressed hence it appears as a LinkedIn post here, and as a ‘Communication’ on the Korolit website.

Last night our active audience for pushed passed 100 countries in over 60 languages. 91% of these are new visitors, with 85% coming in direct to the home page and just over 10% directly to the Blog section on the website ( 65% of all visitors in May were direct and this has reduced to 45% in June as referrals from Twitter (35%) and LinkedIn (20%) start to build.

Interestingly what hasn’t changed much is the number of mobile users. In May 96% of people used a desktop and this has only reduced by 1% in the past month to 95%. The website was re-designed to support a mobile endpoint in April so we hope to see this progressively improve in the coming months. In contrast we’re not too surprised to see that people are predominately using Chrome (78%) to access the website with just 10% via Safari, and the rest spread evenly with IE accounting for only 3% of users.

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In terms of gender 75% of our visitors are male with 99% spread evenly between the ages of 25-55 and this compares closely to the Korolitbiz Twitter account analytics numbers.

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Twitter activity is certainly improving with an increase of nearly 70% in impressions, 22% more profile views and 60% more mentions alongside an organic growth in numbers of 700 in the past month and this is clearly reflecting in the referral statistics above.

Overall were delighted with the analytics. We set an objective last month of driving more referrals from both LinkedIn and Twitter which we believe are central to our Social Media strategy and this has progressed well. It will be interesting to compare these numbers a month from now!

We’re an independent and experienced consulting, programme management and executive resourcing business. We're focused on the needs of both public and private sector clients. We work with all sizes of organisations from local start-ups through to global concerns. Without the cost overheads associated with a much larger consultancy business we have the flexibility to take on small targeted assignments, or much larger work programmes. Every client relationship is valued greatly and treated with dignity and respect. Each engagement benefits from the breadth and depth of our expertise.