

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

– Charles Darwin


Leaders understand the pressure to perform. It requires one eye on the horizon and one eye on the day to day. Every day new problems arise, and challenges present themselves. Leaders need to be equipped to handle these volatile times and motivate their teams at the same time.

But senior leaders are, at the end of the day, only human. They are on their own journeys developing as individuals and leaders, so it’s key that they have space and time to share ideas and fears, to ask themselves questions about their behaviours and actions, to test their perspectives and to push their horizons.

Executive coaching provides a pause in their world of rapid action to step back, to review decisions, to process and to re-focus. We believe in strengths-based coaching and encourage sustainable practices to truly drive performance.

Executive coaching provides a pause in their world of rapid action to step back, to review decisions, to process and to re-focus. We believe in strengths-based coaching and encourage sustainable practices to truly drive performance.

This is a highly personalised approach for individuals in senior leadership positions but also relevant to high potentials and future leaders. Either as an independent programme or blended as part of a board or a senior team initiative, Executive Coaching is a catalyst for the enhanced performance of the individual and the teams they lead.

  • Company Founders and CEO/MD’s – Probably one of the most lonely and stressful of occupations which benefits most from independent and expert coaching.
  • Board and senior leaders – Individuals at or near the top of organisations who recognise the importance of continual growth, who want to develop their potential, embrace change and improve themselves, their teams and their organisations.

Some of the areas we can assist with include:

1. Develop public speaking skills
Whether you suffer from stage-fright (sweaty palms, tight throat, debilitating nerves), or simply want to turn an interesting presentation into an inspiring one we can teach you the specialist techniques required to give an excellent and effective pitch, conference, or presentation.

2. Improve communication skills
Communication skills are paramount in business. How do you negotiate a good deal, get colleagues to like you and impress seniors if you can’t communicate properly? Good communication skills don’t come naturally to all of us by any means. Shyness, awkwardness, low self-confidence and feelings of inferiority can hold people back in business, no matter how intelligent or innovative they are.

3. Start a new business
Start-ups are notoriously risky – nearly half fail within the first three years due to misjudged markets, overestimated forecasts, underestimated liabilities and so on. We can help you to minimise the risk of those fatal mistakes could be seriously minimised.

4. Making key changes and decisions
For businesses planning to merge, expand, relocate or change in structure, making careful decisions at this transitional point is paramount. Often, it can be hard to see your business as a whole, especially if you have an emotional bond with the business. Staying true to your original aims is important but recognising when changes need to be made is essential. Some business owners and partners try to resist change for private reasons and end up jeopardising the future success of their business. We can offer an unbiased, completely objective outlook. Sometimes a decision is much easier to make if an impartial perspective can be considered.

Sales & Influence

Sales isn’t a game to be played or a battle to be won. Selling is about problem solving and genuine relationships

-Alicia Hicks

The life blood of any organisation is its pipeline. There are various selling techniques and we can explain and guide in their effective use, including:

  • SPIN to will help you ask the right questions to uncover needs.
  • SNAP focusing on the way a customer thinks and how you can react to that.
  • Challenger Sales to zoom in on a specific way of thinking, in order to challenge and create a new perspective.
  • The Sandler Sale creates that new perspective by showing potential customers the technical, financial and personal impact their choice can have.
  • Consultative or solution selling where you want to develop a longer term relationship.